Friday, August 27, 2010


We went to Lagoon Friday night with Scott's work.
It rained hard off and on in the beginning, but we had an amazing time with the kids.

Kaya did not like a few of the rides we took her on first.
We tired a few of the new ride's out in the childrens area of the park after eating.
We took her on the octopus ride, and she was not fond of that ride.
We trid
We ended up having to give her a break and let Scott and Dylen ride some of the rides they had been looking forward to.

The first big one for Dylen was the "Wicked".
Kaya and I sat and watched them ride......
Needless to say Dylen came off the ride with a white face.
Though, he enjoyed it immensely.
Scott said he look over at him during the ride at one point "His eye were huge!"

Kaya and Scott rode the merry-go-round together.
She had to have this horse.
She would not ride any of the others.
She loved it and kissed it goodbye.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Outside Home Reno's

Scott and I have been working in the front yard for the most part this year.
We are down two tree's in the back yard.
One evergreen tree in the front.

All of the junipers are gone out of the front yard but their stumps.
There are close to a dozen still left to dig up out of seventeen.
I don't know who thought that they would be great in a landscape.............that and they were severely overgrown.

Thanks to my Mom and Dad,
and Matt and Rachelle for helping us get those out as quickly as we did.
It took us several weekends to get them all down to that point.

We've used two yards of lava rock against the house.
We are looking at needing two more to finish off the park strips after we finish pulling out the roots.

Now we'll have to do something with that poor mail box soon.

We've been in the house two years now and man has it been a lot of work...........
but, then again it sure has been fun.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Super Douper Summer Fun!!!

We've had a great summer.
And we are hoping to get a few more weeks in before the weather turns cold.

Scott's cousin Rick had a birthday bash.
The kids had their show at the Weber County Fair.
We've spent many days at the Roy Aquatic Center.

Dylen and Kaya have climbed this wall every year at the fair.
Dylen almost made it to the top and fell.

Kaya just isn't heavy enough to get far on the wall but she sure enjoys trying.

This was Kaya's first year performing at the fair.
She had a blast, she loves being the center of attention or on stage performing.