Saturday, October 22, 2011

Halloween 2011

As you can see my little monster's are already in the Halloween spirit.
Thanks to a new friend, they have been to a party already this season.

 Kaya's costume of choice for last night:
A Vampire Princess

 Dylen also chose a Vampire for his costume this year.

 Jadon, Dakota, and Dylen

 The Mummy Wrap

Costume Winners

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Headed Into November.......Already!?!

Wow, I actually have time to sit down and blog for a few minutes.
With the football season over, I have had time to finally finish cleaning the basement.
The kids have cleaned their rooms, and the bathrooms, the main floor of the house is almost clean.
Now, to finish the knee high laundry pile and get it all put away.

 The boys game against South Ogden went great!
They won 27-6. 

Later in the week we scrimmaged against the other team we did not play against in the regular season.
Even though the final week of practice was the worst whether wise we have had all season, the kids worked hard to prepare for the October Fest games.

 In the first game at October Fest we played a team from our pre-season that had mopped the floor with us!
We bet them 6-0.
The other team complimented us on the hard work the boys had put in, and agreed they weren't the same team they played in the pre-season.
 The field was nice and muddy to start the day out!

 In our second game that day we lost 7-6.
The boys were so upset, I think at the loss against Layton and at the loss of many great friendships made over the last ten weeks.
For a large part, they were all great friends.
 All thirty of them!

The Titan's had a Banquet the fallowing week.
A good chance to say good bye and give gifts and such.

 "We are the Titan's" song one last time this season

I have really enjoyed the last few months.
I was just as sad as the coaches and kids at the end......
I will miss the kids!!

Season Totals

Titans Vs. Ogden

Titans Vs. Roy

Titans Vs. Syracus

Titans Vs. North Summit

Titans Vs. Layton

Titans Vs. Morgan

Titans Vs. South Ogden

A fanominal season!!