Two young, strong and great women were diagnosed with cancer this Fall.
We were lucky enough this year to be able to help in a time of need.....
Our football team coaching staff put together over $600.00 for one of our own.
Casey is one of our coaches and his wife is one of the above mentioned women.
She has brain cancer for the second time if five years.
She has two young boys.....
Our head coach is a great man, he is always thinks of others in need.
His wife along with him spent the last few months checking on them and trying to help whenever needed.
Knowing things were becoming difficult, they got us together and we took them food, clothing, and toiletry's that should last for a few months.
She has surgery later in January to remove the effected area's of her brain and then at a later date will receive other treatments should she pull through the surgery.
Her oldest boy played football with us this year.
All he wanted for Christmas was a video camera........
So that he could video tape them playing and having fun, to help her remember them when she came out of surgery. (Her first surgery went wrong and she was unable to remember anything for quite some time.)
So for her oldest....I can only imagine the worry in his mind, that his Mom will forget him again.
It felt great to help them ease their burdens if only for one night.
After opening their gifts we took them all out to Burger King for dinner!!!
The other amazing woman, has stage four breast cancer.
I don't know her well but, I went to school with her husband and we were pretty good friends all through high school. Having only heard about her during the ski season the winter prior to their wedding
I then met her at their wedding and then again this summer during football as the opposing team.
She has two boys and an adorable little girl......
She had a double mastectomy before they realize it had spread and become much worse.
I has made it to her brain, liver, and lungs.
The doctors gave her five years to live.......
She, being the amazing woman she is, says she will beat it....She will live through this!
She has had such an amazing support system.
Please keep them both in your thought!
Scott only remaining Grandparents have also been diagnosed with caner.
Grandma has finished with her cemo and radiation.
She is doing well and feeling better everyday!
Grandpa has a cancer similar to Leukemia, that infects the bone and blood.
Good new is, they expect him to die from his COPD before the cancer.
With the test results, he has probably had it for a very long time.
The meds they had him on made his sick and very sore.
They did nothing to prolong his life, only strengthen the bone......he chose to be taken off of them.
His is such a spunky man! We adore him!
He feels pretty good most of the time.....
He still enjoys teasing everyone!
On a lighter note the kids had a great Christmas!
We went to the Midnight service at our church Christmas Eve.
We didn't expect them to be up so early.
We invited their Aunt's, and Uncle, as well as Grandparents at eight thinking they would sleep in.
They were impatient to open up the gifts under the tree..
They are only allowed to play with the things Santa bring until the family gets there.
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